
    足球比赛术语英文翻译(Football Match Terms Translated into English.)

    2024.02.14 | admin | 76次围观


    Football is a popular sport around the world, played by millions of people and watched by billions of fans. Whether you are a player or a fan, understanding the terminology used in football can enhance your experience and knowledge of the game. In this article, we will provide translations of common football match terms from Chinese to English.

    Pre-Match Terms

    1. 热身 (rèshēn) - Warm-up

    Before the match, players will warm up to prepare their bodies and minds for the game. This usually involves stretching, running, and practicing ball-handling skills.

    2. 阵容 (zhènróng) - Lineup

    The coach will decide on the starting lineup, which consists of the eleven players who will begin the match. The lineup may change throughout the game, depending on injuries, fatigue, or tactical decisions.

    During the Match Terms

    3. 进球 (jìnqiú) - Goal

    The ultimate objective of the game is to score a goal by getting the ball past the opposing team's goalkeeper and into the net. The team with the most goals at the end of the match wins.

    4. 角球 (jiǎoqiú) - Corner kick

    If the defending team kicks the ball out of bounds over their own goal line, the attacking team will be awarded a corner kick. This allows them to put the ball into play from the corner of the field.

    5. 界外球 (jièwàiqiú) - Throw-in

    When the ball goes out of bounds on the sideline, the opposing team will be awarded a throw-in. The player must throw the ball back into play using both hands from behind their head.

    6. 界外球门球 (jièwàiqiú ménqiú) - Goal kick

    If the attacking team kicks the ball out of bounds over the defending team's goal line, the defending team will be awarded a goal kick. The goalkeeper will kick the ball back into play from the goal area.

    7. 犯规 (fànguī) - Foul

    A foul is committed by a player when they use excessive force or commit an illegal action against an opponent. The referee may award a free kick or penalty kick to the opposing team, depending on the severity of the foul.

    8. 越位 (yuèwèi) - Offside

    Offside occurs when an attacking player is closer to the opposing team's goal than the ball and the last defender. If the player receives the ball while offside, the play will be stopped and the opposing team will be awarded a free kick.

    Post-Match Terms

    9. 比赛结果 (bǐsài jiéguǒ) - Match result

    After the match, the final score will be announced, and the winning team will be celebrated. The result of the match may contribute to the team's standing in their league or tournament.

    10. 评选最佳球员 (píngxuǎn zuìjiā qiúyuán) - Player of the match

    At the end of the match, a player may be chosen as the Player of the Match based on their performance. This award is usually given to the player who made the most significant impact on the game.


    In conclusion, understanding the terminology used in football matches is essential for both players and fans. This knowledge can help enhance your enjoyment and appreciation of the game. We hope this article provides you with a helpful translation of common football match terms from Chinese to English.


